Life...or something like it...

Thursday, January 18, 2007

The Prodigal Blogger returns...

I know, I know. I'm sorry. It has been brought to my attention, several hundred times actually, that people are not so happy with my neglecting my blog. I blame this on a combination of laziness, busy-ness, and a general lack of interesting things happening in my life. It's nice to know people actually read this thing though...I think...

Anyway, your requests have been evaluated, and I'll make it my mid-January Resolution to do better :)

So...2 and a half months of updates in 150 words or less. Who thinks I can do it??

(I can actually hear you laughing. Shutup...)

k, well...I went home for 10 days in November to play bridesmaid in Mary Ellen's wedding and to eat normal food and watch NORMAL football for Thanksgiving. It was lovely and exactly the escape I needed. I've learned the hard way that being essentially alone in a giant, dreary city can really wear on you sometimes. Came back here for a few weeks, turned in a stupid research methods project, then went back home for the better part of a month for Christmas, New Years, and even more yummy food and football. Had lots of family time, sister bonding, and caught up with lots of people that I've been missing since moving across the ocean. Slept a LOT. Drove on the right side of the road. Went shopping and didn't cringe when I looked at my receipts. Left the house without a scarf and an umbrella. EVERY DAY. 'Twas fabulous...

So now I'm back again, 1/3 of the way done with my degree and feeling a little weirded out that 9 months from now, I'll have turned in my dissertation and will be waiting with baited breath for these people to tell me that I can actually have a degree. I knew my time here would fly by, but to be more than halfway done with the class part seems really strange. Also disturbing is the ridiculously small number of familiar faces I've seen since I've been here (Chris & Jan Woodruff and Janna, Amanda, & Brooke Abraham get SERIOUS bonus points at this juncture!) The moral of the story: get on over here, people!! You're missing it!

-- P.S. For those of you who are currently copying and pasting that paragraph in Microsoft Word to use that word count thing, convinced that Little Miss Long-Winded here can't keep it brief, let me save you some time. Astonishingly enough, the update segment above contains exactly 150 words. I couldn't do that again if I tried!!

-- P.S. #2 I feel the need to note that, technically, I have seen one additional familiar face since moving here, although it didn't come in the form of a visitor. When I got on my plane to come back from Thanksgiving, my friend Andrew from high school was sitting behind me. Literally. In the seat behind mine. He's here working for the same company that Allison was working for last summer when I came to see her here, living in her same flat building, which is about 5 seconds from mine. Crazy, crazy, crazy...he came with us to watch the ACC championship game (read "THE most boring football game ever to be played") and we have church-going aspirations sometime in the near distant future. Who'd have ever thought that I'd run into a fellow Parkview Class of '99/UGA Class of '03 Alumni on another continent?!? Anyway, glad you're here Andrew. See ya soon! :)


Blogger Shauna said...

aw Faithy, i miss you :( I knew you could do 150 or less :)

2:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you know what else you could have in 9 months...

5:29 AM  
Blogger Faith said...

anna catherine!!! i knew it. i KNEW IT! as i was typing that sentence, i thought, 'this is going to sound funny, and anna's going to make a baby comment'...that's it. you're on my list.

7:27 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Faith - love the update - thanks for including us. One thing, however - I want to hear about some fun trips throughout Europe! Keep the updates coming...

Chris & Jan Woodruff

3:40 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Unreal, this blog shows how deeply depressed you really are. I am very sad for you. Oh well, when you come home we can have sex.

5:29 PM  
Blogger Faith said...

i don't know who ^^that^^ is (i have a few guesses who, contrary to what they'd have you believe, are NOT in elementary school), but could we please keep the innappropriate innuendo to a minimum and bear in mind that everyone can see these comments...parents, relatives, friends' parents, various other unsuspecting adults who can contain themselves, innocent minors, etc. i am not employed by the FCC, nor do i want to be accused of sensorship, so...don't make me start deleting comments.

and for the record, i am not depressed. and i don't believe i even know anyone named richard...

that's all i've got. thank you all for playing nicely with others :)

6:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great to see you are blogging again, Faith. I really did miss your updates. You didn't mention any funny things on the street or on the train this time. That's unusual. Take care of yourself. I'm very proud of you. Dad

12:59 AM  
Blogger Andrew Allen said...

Great seeing you here as well Faith. Good to know we've got some proper Panther and Dawg representation here in London.

7:14 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Thanks for the update! We miss you too!

Love you, T

9:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Haha you updated. That's cool. That ACC Championship game was kind of horrible, I almost felt sorry for Reggie Ball.

Hope you get more visitors out there, they changed the passport laws recently. Take care.

2:55 PM  

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